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A real lifetime warranty for a real lifetime roof!
At Metstar we guarantee that if you install one of our metal roofs on your home, you will never have to re-roof again.
Roofing with metal is a permanent roofing solution, and we have a Lifetime Warranty to prove it.
The benefits to roofing one time and one time only are endless.
Not only will you have peace of mind knowing that you will never need to stress about re-roofing your home ever again, but you will also have peace of mind knowing that you are helping put an end to a vicious cycle that is harming our environment.
Every time an asphalt shingle roof gets torn down and re-roofed with another asphalt shingle roof, all of that waste is thrown into our landfills.
Metstar roofs are specifically designed to be able to be installed directly over existing asphalt shingles, eliminating waste entirely.
Installing a metal roof will also give you peace of mind when a storm is coming.
Metal roofs are proven to protect your home from extreme weather.
See how a metal roof protected these Washington homeowners in a horrible wildfire.
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